Photography , film. 



 Hybrid Photographs, Video, Documentary



 Being raised on a farm,  Salgado ‘s photography is heavily influenced by his childhood and by his appreciation to the land. Before pursuing a career as a photojournalist with magnum photography, he worked initially as an Economist. His academic background is a key factor in his choice of theme of labor , migration and human-land interactions.. His Black and white, grainy rendering with large scale perspective , repositioned documentary photography as a potential form of art photography. He is an avid environmental activist and a leading figure against deforestation of the Amazonian forest. 



“I discovered that close to half the planet is ‘pristine.’ We live in towns such as London, Paris or Sao Paulo and have the impression that all the pristine areas are gone, but they are not.”

URL: >October 10, 2020

“Photography is not objective. It is deeply subjective – my photography is consistent ideologically and ethically with the person I am.. You photograph with your ideology.”

URL: >October 10, 2020


“You should have a good knowledge of history, of geopolitics, of sociology and anthropology to understand the society that we’re part of and to understand yourself and where you’re from in order to make choices. A lack of this knowledge will be much more limiting than any technical ability.”

URL: >October 10, 2020



Lives in Brazil and France. 

Travelled to more than 120 countries.

1944| Born in Aimores (Brazil). 



1969| ENSAE ParisTech | Agricultural Economy Phd

1965| University of Sao Paulo – Master of Economy



2010 |Genesis (avec Lélia Wanick Salgado), Taschen France, Paris, 2013

De ma terre à la Terre (avec Isabelle Francq), Plon, Paris , 2013

Terres de café, Éditions de La Martinière, France, 2015

Gold, Taschen, 2019.

2000 | Exodus, Éditions de La Martinière, Paris, 2000

The End of Polio : A Global Effort to End a Disease, Bulfinch, 2003

L’homme et l’eau, Éditions Terre Bleue, Paris, 2005

Africa (avec Mia Couto et Lélia Wanick Salgado), Taschen France, Paris, 2007

1990 |La Main de l’Homme, Éditions de La Martinière, France, 1993

La mine d’or de Serra Pelada, Galerie Debret, Paris, 1994

Terra, Éditions de La Martinière, France, 1997

1980 | Les Hmongs, Médecins sans frontières, Chêne/Hachette, Paris, 1982

Autres Amériques, Contrejour, 1986

Sahel : l’Homme en Détresse, Prisma Presse et Centre national de la photographie, pour Médecins sans frontières, France, 1986


AWARDS Selection 

2019: Peace Prize of the German Book Trade

2007: M2-El Mundo People’s Choice Award for best exhibition a PhotoEspaña, for Africa

2003: International Award from the Photographic Society of Japan

1998: Prince of Asturias Awards, Arts category

1994: Grand Prix National French Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Culture (France)

1993: Centenary Medal from the Royal Photographic Society

1993: Honorary Fellowship (HonFRPS) from the Royal Photographic Society

1992: Oskar Barnack Award

1992: Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

1989: Hasselblad Award, Hasselblad Foundation, Gothenburg, Sweden

1988: King of Spain International Journalism Award

1985: Oskar Barnack Award

1982: W. Eugene Smith Grant from the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund


Example of Artworks


Sebastião Salgado – Genesis photo-book 2013
Sebastião Salgado – Kuwait photo-book 1991
Sebastião Salgado – Amazonia works – 2019


With Friedrich Boell, Rym Hayouni, and Haifa Ouerfelli
Hosted by Mohsen Bchir, Kenza Jemmali, Janet Sebri

TASAWAR Collective

25 February 2021 | 6.00 pm CET | Register here for free

>> Online Exhibition
See all the images and descriptions of the featured artwork

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and check out or Instagram Project Activate: Automatically

An Online Exhibition Project by TASAWAR Collective

26 January to 28 February 2021


Activate: Automatically is an interactive Instagram account related to ON | OFF online exhibition and the subject of e-waste. Here, we are collecting photos of the electronic devices that surround us.
Find us here

An Online Exhibition Project by TASAWAR Collective
26 January to 28 February 2021

with the American Artist Katherine Behar about her E-Waste exhibition.
A conversation between Rania Atef, Elham Khattab, and Katherine Behar.

An Online Exhibition Project by TASAWAR Collective
TODAY 6.00 pm | Register here

with Emily Sarsam (GOETHE-INSTITUTE Tunis), Bettina Pelz (Artistic Director), TASAWAR Collective, and Aymen Gharbi from the partner project ELECTRICAL DISORDER c/o INTERFERENCE Series

An Online Exhibition Project by TASAWAR Collective
TODAY 7.00 pm | Register here

An Online Exhibition Project by TASAWAR Collective
26 Jan to 28 Feb 2021